Always innovative, Total Pain Treatment Centers recognized the need for a medical office to work with attorneys in treating injured patients. In early 2025, TPTC launched its Medical-Legal Division, dedicated to helping injured patients and their attorneys manage care regardless of insurance status.
Email our Medical-Legal Division or if you're an attorney, Fax us an information form.
TPTC now offers guidance and counseling for those patients who may benefit from a course of treatment that involves the use of medical marijuana or other cannabis-derived therapies. In conjunction with the state's Medical Marijuana Program (MMP), your practitioner will work with you in prescribing the best course of pain management.
Nobody likes needles, we understand that. But sometimes, introducing medication directly into an effected muscle provides longlasting, and welcomed relief. The practitioners at Total Pain Treatment Centers are uniquely trained to introduce these types of therapies to the patients who respond best to them. We are one of the few medical offices that can perform Trigger Point and other injections under specially applied ultrasound guidance.
Your practitioner will implement the most responsible and effective pharmaceutical means to treat the chronic pain you may be experiencing. Total Pain Treatment Centers will help you find the right pharmacy for you and in some cases, may even be able to dispense topical or transdermal treatments that will help you gain relief quickly.
While we have access to prescribe the latest and most effective pharmacological treatments, it's our top priorty to maintain the hightst standards of prescribing responsibility.
"TOTAL" Pain Treatment starts with understanding who you are as a patient. Everyone is different, every symptom is different and everyone deals with day to day pain in their own way. We take the time to get to know each patient, what motivates them, and what their goals are. We do this through screening evaluations and the implementation of behavioral health professionals.